Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Importance of the Kangen Water Pt. 1

Dear Anytime Guy I have heard some negative things about bottled water and heard it's just tap water and I need to know what is the best water to drink?

The cell is only as healthy as the fluids it's bathed in!
It is the loss of water volume held inside the cells of the body which causes a reduction in the thirst sensation! As a result, chronic dehydration sets in which causes symptoms that equal disease when the variety of emergency signals of dehydration are not understood.
Keep in mind that when we are born our bodies are about 90% water and 10% matter. As an aging adult the body begins losing water, dehydration sets in and hydration falls to about 70% water and 30% matter. Upon death the body is only 50% water!
In reality we die of dehydration!

Just because someone does not perceive they are thirsty does not mean they are not thirsty. The body adjusts and goes into a masking phenomenon that leaves the body dehydrated.
The adult male or female needs approximately 43 to 45 liters of water.
These waters need to be filtered and eliminated and replenished daily. If they are not, the rivers, steams and oceans of our body become polluted with digestive, respiratory and metabolic acids. When these acids build up we experience the symptoms of dehydration, we call disease.
Any and all disease is an expression of this dehydration and a compromise in the alkaline pH of our body fluids.
Disease is not about the cells or tissues or organs, it is all about the hydration and the quality of the fluids of the body that surround the cells that make up our tissues and organs.
It is recommended that a non-active child or adult drink at least 1 liter of water per 30 lb of total body weight per day for minimum hydration. If the child or adult increases activity through exercise or sport, they should increase their hydration to 1-1/2 to 2 liters per 30 lb of body weight. This will help to maintain the delicate pH balance and integrity of the internal fluids which will be expressed in a healthy and energetic mind and body.
The Problem
Just as acid rain in the environment damages our external ecosystem, so internal acids damage our internal ecosystem.  Without knowing it, most people consume diets high in acid forming foods.
Also drinking acidic beverages such as carbonated drinks and coffee add to this acid overload.  This results in the loss of precious bone building minerals which are used for buffering these internal acids.  Having realized that our internal acid load is a major factor behind all degenerative diseases, we encourage a diet high in alkalizing foods and drinking ionized water.
Acid Causing Effects of a Modern Lifestyle
  • Poor Diet
  • Lack of sleep
  • Increased Stress
  • Insufficient Nutrients
  • Air and Water Pollution
  • Lack of Exercise or Excessive Exercise
The Solution
The technology produces water that has an alkaline pH, without the addition of any chemicals.  This is done through electrolysis, a process that separates the acid from alkaline minerals.  There are 5 levels of alkalinity to choose from.  When consumed, alkaline water helps to neutralize and flush out acid wastes that have accumulated as the result of an unhealthy diet, stress and pollution.

The smaller hexagonal molecular structure resulting from electrolysis is what makes Kangen water wetter than tap or bottled water.
These smaller clusters of water molecules are less than half the size of those found in tap water.  The smaller cluster size gives the water excellent hydrating properties, high solubility and good cellular permeability.
Oxygen Rich Water
Kangen water contains more oxygen than regular tap water.  This added Oxygen varies according to the pH selected and is present in the form of alkaline hydroxide ions (OH).
The body makes use of the oxygen bound in the hydroxide compound when the aspirated oxygen (O2) runs low in the blood stream.  This benefit will be most apparent during exercise and physical labor.  It has been written that Ionized Water “may also lower blood pressure and help the heart work less hard.”  Quoted from Reverse Aging, Sang Whang.
Anti-Oxidant Water
As a result of the electrolysis process, our water has a negative oxygen reduction potential (ORP) or an affinity for the free radicals that attack cell tissue.  Imagine not having to rely solely on supplemental antioxidants since your water will already contain an abundant supply.
Kangen Water Hong Kong maintain or restore your body's natural pH balance for optimal health, drink restructured, ionized water which is rich in anti-oxidants and alkaline minerals.  Ionized water helps reverse the effects of acid accumulation in the body, the root cause of degenerative diseases and aging, allowing your body to maximize its healing potential.
The Benefits
Benefits of Our Ionized Alkaline Water
(Internal Use)

  • Regulates Blood Pressure
  • Helps Digestive Problems
  • Adult Disease Control
  • Balances Body Ph
  • Reduces Acidosis
  • Reverses Aging
  • Increases Energy
  • Urea Stones Dissolved
  • Good Antioxidant Source
  • Cooked Foods Taste Better
The Benefits
Benefits of Our Ionized Acid Water
(External Use)

  • Relieves Athletes Foot, Eczema
  • Sterilizes Burns or Heat Rashes
  • Complexion Enhancement
  • Soothes Dry, Itchy Skin
  • Wounds Heal Faster
  • Mouth Wash
  • Reduces Acne
  • Excellent Hair Rinse
  • Promotes Plant Growth
  • Extends Life of Cut Flowers
Healthy for Life by Ray D.Strand,MD"  
My medical practice has certainly changed. My focus and desire is now on helping those individuals who want to become more proactive in protecting their health or regaining their health. I have now become that “True Health Care Expert” I have always desired to be."
dr. Ray Strand"I have been in the practice for 31 years of my medical career and I think all physicians appreciate the inherent risks all drugs present to their patient. We are always weighing the risk of medication, or the risk of adverse drug reactions, to the health benefits they can obtain.
So what really got my attention was an article written in The Journal of American Medical Association back in 1998, in which they showed that properly prescribed medication, prescribed and taken properly, is the fourthleading cause of death in the country. Then, when you add the improperly prescribed medications to this that are not taken properly, that is another 80,000 deaths, making it the third-leading cause of death.
Yet, no one in this country is talking about it. We don't even keep statistics on it. Yet, all other researchers present the fact that over half of these deaths could be avoided if people just knew what to do. So I think that was the purpose and reason for writing the book. It's just to warn people that they don't need to take so much medication.
If you really need to take medication, take it. But I have always had the philosophy: You should take medication as a last resort, not a first choice. Do not have blind faith in the FDA, the pharmaceutical industry, the doctor or the pharmacist. You need to take some personal responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones from an adverse drug reaction."

See Toney Freeman discuss his love for Kangen Water™  in Flex Magazine Oct 09 

Great Book To Own

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