Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Is a Juicer Good for Weight Loss ?

Whole food juice unlocks the power of whole foods
Juicing Whole Fruits and Vegetables in the Vita-Mix® machine . . .Unlocks the hidden nutrition in the seeds, skins and pulp!
Extracted juice discards the pulp-which is where the nutrients like vitamin A, C and E and the minerals like iron , copper, iodine and magnesium are trapped. What you get with extracted juice is essentially "healthy" sugar-a handful of nutrients and pure fruit sugar. (See the chart provided by FDA-registered Lancaster Labs.)

"The Vita-Mix doesn't throw out the most nutritious part of fruits and vegetables. My knowledge of the healing nutrients and fibers contained in the pulp of fruits and vegetables would never allow me to use any juicer that discards this precious pulp."John Heinerman, Ph. D.Author of "Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Juices"
"Virtually every beauty factor-skin, hair bones and overall vitality-is dramatically affected by what we choose to drink. The Vita-mix machine not only liberates every nutrient trapped within the cell walls of produce, but also liberates me from the prohibitive time, cost and produce storage constraints of my old juicing program."Kat JamesAuthor and public television host of "The Truth about Beauty"; founder and creator of and Total Transformation®

What makes nutrients bioavailable?

Bioavailability refers to the difference between the amount of a substance (drug, chemical or nutrient) to which a person is exposed and the actual does of the substance that the body receives. If a nutrient (in a food) is ingested, bioavailability relates to the amount that is absorbed by the intestinal tract.

The concept of bioavailability takes into consideration that certain key nutrients are found in the seeds and skins of fruits and vegetables and they simply cannot be absorbed when food is simply chewed. The Vita-Mix blades pulverize food fiber to rupture the cell walls of these difficult-to-digest parts of whole foods. In turn, up to three times more nutrition is released.

Some Juicy Tidbits:
The fiber in Vita-Mix whole food juice counteracts the natural sugars in fresh fruit to prevent the "sugar rush" and high glycemic effect. The Vita-Mix machine makes short work of the whole fruit or vegetable-seeds, stems, stalks and all become creamy-smooth juice in under a minute.
Clean-up is amazingly fast. Just a drop of soap in a half-container of warm water does the job in 30 seconds.
Get yourself one today, , use CODE: 06-004444 FREE SHIPPING $25 VALUE