Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What Can My Son Have to Eat Before Football Games That Wont Make Him Sick

Dear Anytime Guy,

My son plays football, and he isn't wanting to eat ANYTHING before a game because he said if he does his chest starts hurting and he has an acid like taste in his mouth. I know it is important for him to eat....but he needs to eat the right things. Do you have any suggestions? I would appreciate any advice you have to offer. -Tonya

Well Tonya I am glad you asked, because it is very important to have enough energy to play a vigorous sport such as football, especially if your son plays offense and defense, and more than 76,000,000 americans suffer from acid-reflux so bad that many of them are placed on prescription medication that will manage their illness for the rest of their lives.

I have several members of my gym that I have helped to alleviate their symptoms of reflux just by helping them reduce their intake of acid forming drinks and start them on Kangen water. Let me explain what's happening when he is feeling the acid like taste he describes. It sounds like he is feeling acid-reflux, which can be caused by many different things. Acid reflux is when some acid leaks up (refluxes) into the oesophagus.

Common symptoms include: pain in the upper abdomen and chest, feeling sick, an acid taste in the mouth, bloating, belching, and a burning pain when you swallow hot drinks. Like heartburn, these symptoms tend to come and go, and tend to be worse after a meal. More acid can be created during vigorous activity, called lactic acid, created during exercise, and also compounding this problem is the apparent consumption of "Sports Drinks" , I wont name any names but these beverages contain high levels of acid, that will compound his problem.

Acid Reflux Diet

  • First of all, try to eat small, frequent meals instead of three big meals a day. Small amounts of food each time would exert less workload on the stomach and therefore requires less acid secretion for digestion. Make sure to include foods that less acid-forming including vegetables, starches, non-gluten grains, legumes seafood, eggs, and certain fruits. Experts recommend that 80% of the diet should be fresh organic fruits and vegetables, raw if possible steamed is better than cooked. These are easier on the stomach. Vita-Mix is a perfect way to get the veggies he needs without the fuss.
  • Almonds are also a good alkalizing food, and asparagus is on of the most alkaline forming vegetables.
  • Avoid high-fat meals such as those from the fast food chains. High fat foods will remain in the stomach longer, thus causing the need for more stomach acid in order to digest them.
  • But remember, don't overeat! Eating too much of any foods will stimulate the stomach to secret more acids for digestion.
  • Avoid or soft drinks, energy drinks
  • Maintain upright position during and at least 45 minutes after eating.
  • Try elevating the head of bed six to eight inches when lying down.

Don't think that beverages just quickly flow through your stomach without affecting acid production. Surprisingly, a lot of beverages stimulate acid secretion such as sports drinks, energy drinks, and soda (reg/diet) Kool-aid. These all could double your stomach acid within an hour.

Cancer. Your risk of developing cancer of the oesophagus is slightly increased compared to the normal risk if you have long-term acid reflux, so lets get him on the Kangen Water quickly